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How to add data source of specific integration to my account?
Adding data sources for desired integration is quite simple. First, go to Account Settings (in the left menu). Now you just need to go to the Sources page, click on the integration you want to add and click on the plus button on the right. See ...
How can I cancel my account?
To cancel your Reportz account, follow the steps in the screenshot below: PS: We’re sad to see you leave, but we understand. If the reason for canceling your account was the lack of a certain integration, unhelpful support, or anything else, please ...
How to create my first dashboard?
To create your first dashboard, just follow these simple steps. Click on the Create Dashboard button Here you have 2 options: Start From Scratch or Start From Template. Creating Dashboards via the "Start From Scratch" Option First, enter the ...
How to customize my dashboard visually?
To learn how to customize your dashboards, watch this helpful video or keep on reading. You can customize your dashboards visually by clicking on the General & Style category in the right sidebar. You can customize the following elements: Company ...
How to white-label my dashboards?
You can white-label your dashboard both visually and by using your own domain for reporting. To set your white-label domain, go to the Company Settings page, add your company name (if you haven’t done so already) and add your company domain. Once you ...
How to add a data widget?
To add a new widget, you will need to go through some of the basic steps. Open your dashboard, click on the Edit Mode button on the left. Then in the right sidebar click on the ADD DATA WIDGET button. After that, select your integration, for example, ...
How to add custom widgets?
To add a new custom widget, you need to go through 3 basic steps. Open your dashboard, click on the Edit Mode button on the left: Then, in the right sidebar click on “Add Data Widget”. After that, choose a specific Integration, for example, Google ...
How can I add new users to my account?
To add users to your account, go to the Users page: Here you can invite new users by putting in their email and choosing their role (user or admin). After you do this, just click on Invite. Click here if you want to learn more about User roles. Go to ...
How to update my payment details?
All your payment data is located on the Subscription page. Click on Account Settings in the upper left corner in Reportz, and go to Subscription or Invoices tab. Here you can add dashboards by clicking on the + button. Go to Reportz App
How to remove a specific data source from my account?
To remove any data source you have already connected with Reportz, go to the Sources page, select the integration you want to remove, and on the right side, click on the trash icon. Once you complete the previous step, you will be asked to confirm ...
How do referrals work?
Reportz referral system is simple. Send your custom referral link from this page: to your friends from the digital marketing industry. You can find it in main menu on the left. After they sign up, they need to ...
How many dashboards do I get from a successful referral?
When your referral becomes active, meaning when they add at least 2 integrations, create at least 1 dashboard with at least 10 widgets, you get 3 dashboards for free for as long as your account is active (so, almost forever:). In addition, your ...
How many referral invites can I send?
You can send an unlimited number of invites and get an unlimited number of free dashboards for your account. To get free dashboards, your referrals need to do the following: They need to add at least 2 integrations, create at least 1 dashboard with ...
How to add a specific goal to my conversion tracking?
To add only a specific goal to the widget, you need to create a custom widget, set the Segment to any specific segment you need, meaning “all users”, “organic traffic” etc. After that, select the dimension, which is usually “months of year”, and then ...
How to download a PDF file of my dashboard?
To download a PDF report of any dashboard, just click on the Share icon in the upper right corner and choose PDF export. Or you can do it by simply clicking on the PDF button next to the dashboard name in Dashboards tab. Happy reporting! Go to ...
What is Today tab on my Dashboard?
Because of data caching, you can only see data until yesterday on the main dashboard. Via Today Tab, however, you can see all your data for the current day. To view the Today Tab for the desired dashboard, you need to: Go to the dashboard for which ...
What is Real time tab?
Real Time tab is a place where you can track your Google Analytics Real Time data. You can use Real time tab as a TV dashboard to track your data in real time, especially if you have just launched a specific campaign and you want to see how it ...
What is Edit mode of the dashboard?
Edit mode is one of the two states of the dashboard. In the Edit mode you can add and/or remove widgets, and generally do whatever you want with your dashboard. Reporting mode is the state of the dashboard as your client sees it. You can toggle ...
How can I move widgets through the dashboard?
You can move widgets by holding click on the move icon and dragging the widgets on your dashboard. Don't forget that you have to be in Edit mode to do this. Go to Reportz App
How can I resize a widget?
To resize your widget simply locate the desired widget and in the upper right corner click on the button that looks like this: When you click on this button, a drop down menu will appear containing a widget size chart. Simply choose the size you ...
Where can I see which data the widget is using?
Just click on the information icon in the upper right corner of any widget and you will see the details of that widget. To close the Info view of the widget, click on the Back button in the upper right corner. It's as simple as that! Go to Reportz ...
How to add a full-width separator?
To add a full-width separator, you need to go to Edit mode of your dashboard. Locate the right sidebar and select the Add Text Widget. Then follow these steps: Select Plain type of widget from the drop-down menu and click next; 2. Add a description ...
How can I change the color of the dashboard background?
To change the dashboard background, you need to switch to Edit mode. Then, select General & Style in the right sidebar. All you have to do now is upload a background image, or choose the color of your dashboard. Don't forget to save the changes. Go ...
Where can I upload my client's logo?
You can upload your client's logo in 2 different ways. 1. During the last phase of the dashboard creation process. 2. For this option, make sure you're in Edit mode on your dashboard. Click on the General & Style button in the right sidebar. Then, ...
How can I change the color of the widget charts?
To change the color of the widget charts you need to switch to Edit mode, and then in the right sidebar select “General & Style”. Take a look at the screenshot below to see how to change the color of the widget graphs and data. Don't forget to save ...
How can I change the color of the widget background?
To change the color of the widget background you need to switch to Edit mode, and then in the right sidebar select “General & Style”. Take a look at the screenshot below to see how you can choose the color of the widget background specifically. Go to ...
How and where to set date and date-range on your dashboard
Before we tell you how you can set your wanted date range in Reportz, you should know that the date range can be changed in both Edit mode and Reporting mode of your dashboard. The date range you set up in Edit mode is the date range that will be ...
How to set a specific date for my dashboard?
Setting a dashboard date range means that a specific time frame will be active whenever you or your client open or reload the dashboard. After the dashboard is opened, your client will be able to choose any other time frame for which they want to see ...
How can I upload a CSV file to my dashboard?
First of all, make sure you are in Edit mode of your dashboard. Then find the right sidebar, and click on the Add Text Widget button. Then, in the Add text widget segment, select Upload and hit Next. In the next step, select your CSV file. You can ...
How can I upload an image to my dashboard?
First of all, make sure you are in Edit mode of your dashboard. Then find the right sidebar, and click on the Add text widget button. Then, in the Add text widget segment, select Upload and hit Next. After that, select your image file, and if you ...
How can I delete a widget?
You can delete a widget in the dashboard edit mode simply by clicking on the X button at the top right corner of the widget. Note: action is instant and irreversible, but if you wish, you can add the same widget again later. Go to Reportz App
How can I buy more dashboards?
If you decide that you need more dashboards than you have selected the first time around, you can simply add them in the Account Settings under the Subscription tab. You can add more dashboards at any time and they will be added to your bill in the ...
How can I upgrade my account?
You can easily upgrade your account by changing the number of dashboards in Account Settings under the Subscription tab. You can add more dashboards at any time and they will be added to your bill in the current billing period. At the bottom, you can ...
How can I buy fewer dashboards?
You can easily decrease the number of dashboards at any time by subtracting the number of dashboards in the Account Settings in the Subscription tab. You can remove the desired number of dashboards at any time and they will be removed from your bill ...
How can I downgrade my account?
You can easily downgrade your account by changing the number of dashboards in Account Settings under the Subscription tab. You can remove the desired number of dashboards at any time and they will be removed from your bill at the beginning of the ...
How can I protect my dashboard with a password?
You can add a password to your existing dashboards at any time. Go to the dashboard you want to password-protect and click on the Security button located on the right. 2. Now you will see the box where you can input your password for this particular ...
Configuring a custom subdomain for white-label reporting
Reportz allows you to set up a white-labeled version of your account on your own subdomain. If you’re not sure what white-labeling means we took this definition from Wikipedia and we couldn’t have said it better ourselves. “A white-label product is a ...
How to track Google Analytics organic traffic for each goal
To create this widget you need to select a Custom widget (the last widget in the dropdown add widget menu) Segment: Organic Traffic Dimension: Month of the Year (for example) Metric: goal Completions All You can choose to track all goals completion. ...
How to show visits from all channels - organic, paid and direct traffic in different boxes
To show visits from all channels in Reportz, you'll need to create separate widgets for each segment. First step is to select Custom widget and then customize it as you desire. Organic traffic sessions Segment: Organic Traffic Dimension : Month of ...
How to set custom Google Analytics filters
Note: spojen sa ovim tekstom, u kom ima više detalja: Reportz offers you a way to easily add some of the most standard metrics using our predefined ...
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