Basic Help Questions
How long does it take for Dibz to conduct its research?
Once you are done setting up your search and you click on the Start Scrape button, we immediately send out our data-thirsty army of flying monkeys to scrape all of internet and gather relevant search results for you. It usually takes anywhere from 15 ...
How do I access my previous search results in Dibz?
You can access all your old results from the searches you’ve done via Dibz. To do this, you need to: STEP 1: Click on the Search Results button in the upper left corner in the app (just below the magnifying glass button). Select yourself as the user ...
How will I know when my Dibz search is completed?
As soon as Dibz finishes your search, we will send you an email containing the link leading to your search results. It usually takes anywhere from 15 minutes up to an hour for Dibz to finish the job. Also read: How can I get more results in Dibz? Go ...
What is the maximum number of results I can get from a single search in Dibz?
Technically, there’s no limit on the number of results that you can get within one search. However, we can give you the ballpark when it comes to the optimal number. Since the optimal number of keywords to insert into one Dibz search is 2 to 3, and ...
How do I access my former campaigns in Dibz?
You can access all your previous campaigns in Dibz. To do this, you need to: STEP 1: Click on the Clients button in the upper left corner in the app (just below the Search Results button). STEP 2: See the list of all the clients you have, and choose ...
How do I create a campaign in Dibz?
In the 1st step of the creation of your search, you have the option to choose Client and Campaign. However, the Campaign menu is unclickable until you choose the Client. So, in order to create a campaign, you must first select a client (or create a ...
How to filter my campaigns in Dibz by user?
STEP 1: Open your “search results” by clicking on the second icon in the menu on the upper-left part of your screen. STEP 2: Select the user(s) you are interested in from the third dropdown menu in the DATA filters section of the page, the one marked ...
How do I check the status of my campaigns and searches in Dibz?
Open your Search Results by clicking on the second icon in the menu on the upper-left part of your screen, find the campaign and/or the search you are looking for in the listed data and look for the icon under the status column. If it has a green ...
How to filter my search by specific keywords in Dibz?
You can easily filter your existing searches by specific keywords. STEP 1: Go to Search Results by clicking on the second icon in the menu on the upper-left part of your screen. STEP 2: In the search bar (right above the list of your searches) enter ...
What are the 3 boxes under the “Actions” section in Dibz Search Results used for?
Go to Search Results by clicking on the second icon in the menu on the upper-left part of your screen. Now that you see the list of all your search results, all the way to the right, you will see the Actions section. Within the Actions section you ...
How can I get more relevant results in Dibz?
Our tool is able to get you all kinds of link prospecting results in various volumes. But in order to use Dibz the right way and get the most relevant data, you should apply certain tricks of the trade. There are many factors that can alter your ...
How can I copy/share my search URL in Dibz?
Once your Dibz search has been successfully conducted, go to that specific list and click on the arrow shaped Share button. See the screenshot below: Once you’ve clicked on the Share button, the URL of that search will be copied to your clipboard, so ...
How and where can I change my password in Dibz?
In the upper right corner within the Dibz app you will see your username with an arrow pointing downwards right beside it. Hover over your username and you’ll get up to four options, depending on your authorization level. Note: the “Users” option is ...
Where can I overview the queries I’ve selected before conducting an actual research with Dibz?
When conducting a search in Dibz, the first step of the process requires you to fill in the desired keywords you want to target. Step 2, however, asks you to select the type of the links you want to prospect or upload. Here you will be able to choose ...
What is Date Range in Dibz and where can I select it?
By setting the desired date range you select the specific time period from which you want Dibz to fetch the results. You can set the following date ranges: Any time Past 24 hours Past week Past month Past year It all depends on your search ...
What are the main features of Dibz?
Dibz is an extremely useful SEO link prospecting tool that can help you find relevant, high-quality sites in just a few steps. Here are some of the most important features that Dibz can boast: Smart research and data management Dibz is a tool that ...
How does Dibz’ SPAM algorithm work?
Our tool is all about fetching quality results, which is why our spam algorithm analyses 17 SPAM signals that are of various levels of importance, and neatly organizes them in plain numbers for you to use in quality analysis. When analyzing a certain ...
How can I get more results in Dibz?
There are several different factors that determine the number of results Dibz will fetch for you in a single search. First of all, there’s the number of keywords you input during the first step of the process. However, even though there’s no actual ...
How does Dibz filter its results and which spam factors does it look at while conducting its searches?
Dibz’ main purpose is to generate quality prospects for our users, which means using spam factors helps you automatically eliminate the results below a certain quality. Spam factors’ main purpose is to recognize and record the quantity of spammy ...
Why not just use a search engine instead of Dibz for link prospecting?
Our link prospecting and SEO tool provides its users with an intelligent and intuitive workaround solution that will significantly improve your link prospecting results and cut down your time spent on finding great link building opportunities to mere ...
How can I edit what I see in my search results in Dibz?
Go to your search results. In the upper left corner of your list. You will now see an icon shaped like an eye (see screenshots below). Click on the eyecon and you will see the dropdown menu where you can tick off exactly what you wish your list to ...
How to add new clients in Dibz?
You can add new clients for your Dibz campaigns in the 3rd step of the process. The first drop down menu in this step is selecting your client. When you want to add a client, simply click on the “+” button. You will then be prompted with the Create ...
How to see results for specific clients in Dibz?
STEP 1: Click on the Search Results button in the upper left corner. STEP 2: In the Data Filters box, you will see Campaigns and Clients drop down menu. Click on Clients. STEP 3: You will now see the list of your clients in this drop down menu, so ...
How can I access Dibz searches that I’ve previously deleted?
STEP 1: Click on Search Results button in the upper left corner. STEP 2: In Data Filters section, tick the button marked Deleted. STEP 3: Under the Users dropdown, find and select your username. STEP 4: Click on Apply Filters button in the bottom of ...
How to manage users in Dibz?
Note: This option is only available to those with admin accounts. Log into Dibz, click on the user name (whatever name you’ve used to create your account it Dibz) in the top right corner of your screen, and select the “Users” option from the dropdown ...
What does Dibz do and why should I use it?
Dibz is a link building/link prospecting/influencer research tool that helps you scrape the Web quickly and find relevant results without almost any manual work. Our tool helps its users: Find the best prospects for both your various link building ...
What does it mean to “archive” a user and how to do it in Dibz?
If a particular user is no longer active, but you want to save their activity in Dibz - selecting the “archive” option will help you store its work in a safe place, which you can easily revisit or activate again whenever you wish to. How to archive a ...
Who should use Dibz and what are the main advantages of our link prospecting tool?
Dibz is quick and easy to use. With this tool, you can get your hands on select link building opportunities with just a couple of clicks. It practically automates the entire process of link prospecting and gives you the luxury of being able to invest ...
What is Dibz and how does it work?
Dibz is a link prospecting tool, designed to significantly improve your link prospecting process, as well as to speed up and simplify your influencer opportunities research. Our tool helps its users: Find the best prospects for both your various link ...
How to change the account name in Dibz?
Log into Dibz, click on your user name in the top right corner of your screen, and select the “Account Settings” option from the dropdown menu. There, you’ll see a bar made out of 3 options in the top left part of your screen. If you take a closer ...
How to upgrade my account in Dibz?
If you want to check the details of your subscription, log into Dibz, click on your user name in the top right corner of your screen, and select the “Account Settings” option from the dropdown menu. There, you’ll see a bar with 4 options. You need to ...
What is “Additional Data” in Dibz?
Regardless of whether you’ve decided to upload a CSV with the domains you want inspected, or you opt for creating a typical search, you can choose to (at the cost of a couple of credits more) retrieve additional data for each of the results returned. ...
Where can I check my order ID in Dibz?
If you’re not really sure which Dibz payment plan you’re on exactly at this moment, you need to log into Dibz, click on your user name in the top right corner of your screen, and select the “Account Settings” option from the dropdown menu. Once you ...
How to change the spam score in Dibz?
Those with admin privileges can adjust the spam score to their liking. Click on the “Settings” icon in the left sidebar - the last one from the top, and select the “Spam Settings” settings at the top of the page. There, in the “Importance” column ...
How do I upload a CSV file to Dibz
By choosing to upload your own list, you are instructing Dibz to analyze the domains you have provided, and to return the numbers of their Facebook and LinkedIn shares, as well as the number of their followers. To upload CSV file, click on UPLOAD CSV ...
How to start a search and where to provide your keywords (Step 1 in Dibz)
Create a new search by choosing the magnifying glass. You will be presented with the following screen: Give your search a name that will make it obvious to you what you were trying to find through it, associate it with an existing client and campaign ...
How to add/remove domains from Dibz’ blacklist?
You can very quickly add and remove domains from the blacklist within our tool. To delete domains, simply follow these steps: STEP 1: Go to the “Settings” page by clicking on the last icon in the left sidebar STEP 2: The topmost part of the page will ...
Where do I select the type of research? (Step 2 in Dibz)
In this step, our tool will provide you with dozens of preset campaigns to choose from. They consist of several predefined combinations of advanced operators and footprints typical for different kinds of prospects: Local Citations Resources and Links ...
Where do I finalize the search and fine-tune additional parameters? (Step 3 in Dibz)
The final step of creating a search in Dibz allows you to adjust the details of your campaign: The language of the results that are to be returned; Top Level Domain extension they need to have; Their date of publishing and depth, i.e. how many search ...
How do I export results in Dibz?
The middle button from the three rightmost ones in each row of the Search Results page (see screenshot below) with individual searches allows you to download a spreadsheet with the required data, regardless of whether you’ve initiated the search by ...
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