What kind of results do I get when I select the “Guest Blogging” option in Dibz?

What kind of results do I get when I select the “Guest Blogging” option in Dibz?

With this preset, you can find personal, company or institutional blogs which publish guest posts in your niche. You can do this by entering your keywords, niche or topic of interest into the Search Keywords field

In the second step of your Dibz search, you can choose the parameters. 

We’ve compiled the list of most common footprints associated with sites of this kind and combined them with the adequate advanced search operators. 

Some of the available parameters for this option include:

  • "this guest post was written"

  • inurl:blog intitle:"write for"

  • inurl:"guest post guidelines"

  • inurl:blog intitle:"Guest Bloggers Wanted"

Related: What kind of results do I get when I select the “Blog Commenting” option in Dibz?