Settings page

Settings page

By clicking on Settings (which can only be seen by admins) in the upper right menu, we get the following options:


At the very top of the page can be seen in order:

  • how much time is left until the next payment

  • how many links are used on the account

  • how many active users there are on the account

  • how many health checks were used*

Subscription for Base works on a monthly or annual basis. By clicking on the toggle, it is possible to decide on one or another level of payment.

There are four packages:

  • Free $0 - includes 500 added links (of any status), 4,000 health checks* and 3 users on the account

  • Starter $59 - includes 3,000 added links (of any status), 25,000 health checks* and 10 users on the account

  • Pro $159 - includes 8,000 added links (of any status), 65,000 health checks* and 25 users on the account

  • Enterprise $300 - includes 15,000 added links (of any status), 120,000 health checks* and 50 users on the account

*Health checks include automatic and manual link health checks. These checks are performed automatically according to the schedule described in the Dynamics of automatic health checks segment . A manual health check can be done when the wrong health of a specific link is determined.

Only in the case of the Enterprise package, it is possible to purchase add-ons, namely:

  • Users $5 - for each additional user over 50, which is included with the enterprise package

  • Booster Packs $19 - additional 1,000 links and 10,000 health checks

Current price shows how much is currently being paid for a Base account.

New price is informative and shows what the price would be in accordance with the selected package and addons.


On the Blacklist page, it is possible to add all the domains on which we do not want links to appear.

Domains for the blacklist can be added via the CSV table or through the form on the page. If multiple domains are added through the form, it is necessary to separate them with a new line, a space or a comma.

Invalid domains will not be saved.


The spam page serves if the admin wants to set different spam factors by importance and corresponding values at the account level.

The factors for which it is possible to set importance and values in Base are:

  • Spammy TLD

  • External Links in Website Navigation

  • High Number of Ad Blocks

  • Absence of Contact Page

  • Domain Contains Numbers

  • Domain Contains Hyphens

  • Domain Name Length

  • No Social Media Profiles

  • Number of External Homepage Links

  • Cloaked Links

  • Referring Pages VS Referring Domains

  • Domain Social Shares Number

  • Domain Indexation

  • Spam Anchor Texts on Homepage

  • Ahrefs DR < VALUE

  • Ahrefs Organic Traffic < VALUE

  • Sponsored Content

Importance is determined on a scale of 0-5, where 0 is the least important and 5 the most important when determining Spam on the account.

values (Values) that can be edited as desired, as well as fixed (immutable).

When all factors are adjusted according to importance and values, it is necessary to click on the Update spam button at the bottom of the page.

Role settings

Only admins can see the role settings page. Using it, it is possible to set columns and filters that will be visible to different user roles: team leaders, users, freelancers and clients.

This setting applies to all search pages accessed by non-admins (search, opps, user page, client page, team page)

This same setting also exists on the edit user pages. What is set at the user level has a higher priority than what is set at the role level.

However, updating company-level role settings will reset user-level settings. For example, if only the columns for the team lead role are updated on the company role settings, then only the columns for those users who are team leads will be overwritten.


The Integrations page displays all integrations with which it is possible to connect a Base account. Right now it's just Ahrefs. After authorization of the Ahrefs account, additional metrics for links (domain rating, organic traffic...) are displayed in Base.

Custom Fields

Within the Custom Fields tab, it is possible to add additional fields (maximum 5) that can be further used for filtering and viewing links.

These fields may be required. In that case, when adding or editing a link, it is necessary to fill in this field.

Custom fields must have unique names.

Note: Mandatory custom fields will also appear in the Base extension, in order to add links with all necessary data. After adding the custom field, it is necessary to log out of the extension, and then log in again.

There are four types of custom fields available:

  • Dropdown list - this type of field implies that the admin makes predefined options (selection), from which link builders will choose one for a given link. It is possible to add up to 300 different options. Options must also have unique names. A new option is added by clicking on “+” or by entering.

  • Checkbox (true/false) - this custom field represents a checkbox that can be checked or left unchecked. When a field is checked, it has a True value that can be assigned a custom name. If left unchecked, the field has a False value, which can also be given an appropriate name.

If this type of custom field is added and if the bulk links are added via CSV, it is necessary to enter 1 for True value and 0 for False.

  • Number - this custom field has a numeric value. It is possible to set the minimum and maximum value that a given link can have. If there is no such limitation, it is sufficient to leave Min. and Max value fields are empty.

  • Short text - this option allows you to add custom text fields, which can contain a maximum of 255 characters.

Custom fields are visible in link tables, in search filters (all types except Short text, which can be searched via the search field above the link table).

The visibility of the custom field can also be limited according to the user role - visibility in the search table columns, as well as the visibility of the custom field filter.

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