On the left side of our navigation pane, click on the Mission Control icon.
In order to use our Mission Control feature, you will need to go and create your first group of domains.
Click on Create Group.
The first thing you need to do is to name your Group.
After that, you need to set up where you want to receive the alerts (changes in the metrics on your domains). The options are Slack and email.
Add your Slack Webhook. Read this article in order to find the Webhook for your Slack workspace. Alternatively, you can provide your email address and receive alerts there. Or you can provide us with both.
The next step is to set up your thresholds.
A threshold represents the percentage of change for your metrics on a weekly and monthly basis for which you will be alerted.
After checking the boxes of the metrics you are interested in, you can set up the threshold(s).
These are the metrics you can track:
Domain Rating
Referring Domains
Click-through rate
Active users
Total Revenue
Organic Traffic
Average Time on Site
E-commerce conversion rate
If you, i.e., do not use Google Search Console, or Ahrefs, or if you don't have them connected to Reportz, you will not be able to track the changes in your domains (unless you connect them).
After you’ve set up everything, just click on the CREATE button below the last metric.
If for some reason you are unable to click on the CREATE button, then you’ve probably forgotten to provide us with the name of your Group, your email address, or your Slack webhook.
After you've created your group, you will need to add domains that you want to track.
You can do that by clicking on the ADD DOMAIN button in the upper right corner of your group.
After you click on ADD DOMAIN, you will need to add the following information.
In the Domain field type in the name of your domain.
The Dashboard URL field is optional. We’ve added it so you can quickly access your Reportz dashboard (or your Google Analytics account for that matter) that has more information regarding your domain.
Depending on the metrics you chose to track, you'll now have to:
Connect your Ahrefs account, select your Google Search Console website property and/or your Google Analytics Property and it's Profile (view).
After you’ve set everything up, you just have to click on Submit and the first domain with the data will automatically populate.
You can repeat this step and add as many domains as you want to track and get alerts for.
In the General & Style settings of your Group, you can rename your group and change the recipient email address as well as the Slack Webhook.
As always, don’t forget to click on the Save button.
In the Metrics & Thresholds section, you can change which metrics do you want to track and the threshold itself for each metric.
If you have any questions regarding Mission Control, be sure to shoot us a question over the live chat!