How to connect your Instagram to Reportz

How to connect your Instagram to Reportz

First of all, you need to be aware of Instagram’s API limitations and requirements.

In order to report your Instagram activities with

  1. Your Instagram account has to be a business account

  2. You need to connect your Instagram business account with a Facebook page on which you have a certain role (Moderator, Editor, or Admin)

  3. You need to make sure if your Facebook page has been linked but not "claimed". If that is the case then the Facebook API won't be able to see it. Follow this link for instructions on how to see if your page has been claimed.

  4. If you just changed your account from private to business, you will have no data history. This is because Instagram API gives access just for business accounts and will collect data from the first day you have switched from a private to a business account.

  5. The Instagram account must use Facebook user authentication. It doesn't work with Instagram user authentication.

  6. You need to make sure that there isn't a duplicate version of your page that you are trying to connect. This may happen by accident or through Facebook automatically adding an unmanaged page when the account is converted to a business profile. If you are linked to the wrong version that you don't have the rights to, this could cause the page not to be visible when selecting which pages which you'd like to add to Reportz. Please double-check if there are pages with the same or similar names and make sure the Instagram account is linked to the correct one with the proper permissions.

NOTE: In order to connect/claim FB Page, you need to have a certain role on that page (Moderator, Editor, or Admin)

Since your Instagram account will have to be connected to a Facebook Page, you will need to go to the settings of your Facebook Page and connect to the Instagram account.

If you see something like this, then that means your Instagram account is not connected to your Facebook Page.

Click on Connect Account and proceed with the connection of your Instagram and Page.

Now, head back to and do this simple setup:

  1. Go to Company Sources

Once you're in the Sources menu, click on Instagram, and then on the "+" button on the far right.

This will lead you directly to your Facebook profile/page. Simply log in and connect it as a source.

If you already connected the Facebook Social source then it will appear like this and will tell you to continue as your own Profile.

That’s why we advise you to click on Edit settings because then you will be able to see which Facebook Pages have an Instagram account connected to them.

After you have added your account, it should appear within the Instagram sources menu.

Additionally, data from Instagram can only be shown for the last 30 days, according to their latest update.

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