Click on Add Data Widget and select Google Search Console as Integration.
For future references, Google Search Console will be referred to as GSC.
Important notice: Google Search Console data can only be filtered through the dimension of the widgets, not metrics.
After that, select your account and click on next.
In the second step, you can select your Property (website) and choose your Widget.
To use filters you will have to set up your widgets as custom widgets.
We always advise choosing one of our predefined widgets and then selecting Custom Widget so it will keep the setup of its dimensions and metrics.
Let's say that we want to see for which queries on mobile did we get the most clicks.
We will click on Google Searches by Queries and after that click on Custom Widget so it will keep all its dimensions and metrics.
This is how the widget looks like after you switch it to a Custom one.
Below the widget field is a custom filter field. Here we can filter our data using GSC's API.
As mentioned previously, let's see which queries on mobile have generated the most clicks.
We can do this by filtering the queries by the dimension name that will be only mobile.
First of all, we need to see which devices are already listed.
We will do this by creating a Top Clicks (Devices) widget and then switching it to a Custom one.
After we submit this widget we will get a table of all the devices that are listed and the list looks like this.
Now let's see which queries have generated the most impressions, clicks, CTR & position.
We can do this by adding a new widget that will be Google Searches by Querries.
Now let's switch this predefined widget to a Custom one.
For it to work we will apply this filter: device==MOBILE
If you're using this exact match filter " == " it's very important to copy the exact name of the dimension.
This is how the setup looks like.
In the second step, we will Order By Clicks and select Descending so it will show us only the queries which had the most clicks.
This is how the widget will look like after we apply the filter.
We could have accomplished exactly this by applying this filter:device!=DESKTOP;device!=TABLET
By using this filter we've told GSC's API to do the same thing.
Show me all the queries that haven't come from Desktop and Tablet devices.
Once again, have in mind that GSC's API is limited in a way that it only allows us to filter the data through the dimensions, unlike other APIs that allow you to filter the data through metrics as well.
If you wish to filter the data with countries, you need to use the ISO code of the country.
You can find the full list of ISO codes here.
Here is a full table showing you all of the GSC operators.
The OR operator is defined using a comma (,).
It takes precedence over the AND operator.
The AND operator is defined using a semi-colon (;).
It is preceded by the OR operator and can be used to combine dimensions and metrics in the same expression.