How to Add a Google Sheets Widget

How to Add a Google Sheets Widget

Importing your Google Sheets spreadsheets into Reportz is a simple process and it only takes a couple of clicks.

To create your Google Sheets widget, you should follow these steps:

1. Click on ADD DATA WIDGET, select Google Sheets as your Integration (data source), and select your Google Sheets account. 

If you didn't connect any of the sources you can always click on the plus button on the right side and then connect your source.

2. After that, copy the Spreadsheet ID:

And paste it here:

Note: The spreadsheet ID is the bold part in this example:

3. Choose the Sheet you'd like to pull data from, and select Custom as Widget.


Is first row header? - This checkbox should be marked if your spreadsheet has the metrics you'd like to select as individual columns.

Is first column label? - This checkbox should be marked if your spreadsheet is broken down in any way in the first (A) column and you'd like to show those values. If you do not mark it, the widget in Reportz will have Row 1, Row 2, as the way the data is broken down.

Is last row footer? - This checkbox should be marked if your spreadsheet has a footer in it's last row.

Should we apply date range when fetching rows (the first column needs to be filled with dates for every row with data, the second column has to have labels which are unique per date in dashboard date range)? - This checkbox allows you to include the dates in the first column as dynamic ones, so when you change the date range of the dashboard, the values in the Google Sheets widget are changed as well.

For a better understanding of this function, we advise reading our help article:
How to Set Google Sheets Dashboards to Filter your Metrics by Date Range

After setting up the checkboxes you will be able to set up your metrics.

(Note: the metrics are the columns of your sheet, so if you don’t want to show a certain column in your report, simply don’t add it while choosing the metrics)

If you want data to be shown in graphs, you must make sure the data in your Google Sheet is formatted as numbers or currency.

You can format the cells in your spreadsheet like this:

If everything was configured the right way, and your numbers have been formatted correctly, your graph can look something like this: 

If you do not have the proper setup of the metrics on your Spreadsheet, Reportz will not be able to generate a valid graph or table.

IMPORTANT: Any data that is updated in your Spreadsheet will be auto-updated in Reportz as well. So, whenever you send a dashboard containing metrics from Google Sheets to your client, the numbers will have already been auto-updated.  

Using our Google Sheet Integration as a Platform to Utilize other Tools

If, for example, you wish to display data from Bing Ads, but Reportz doesn’t have a Bing Ads integration yet, then you can do it manually by inserting Bing metrics into your Google spreadsheet and creating a separate widget just for this data.   

The same goes for any other useful digital marketing tool you need for your clients that we still haven’t integrated with. 

NOTE: Reportz doesn’t, in any way, limit nor forbid access to the documents that our tool is pulling into your account. In other words, every person that has access to a particular account, will also have access to all the sheets that have been created and shared via that account.

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