Dibz’ main purpose is to generate quality prospects for our users, which means using spam factors helps you automatically eliminate the results below a certain quality.
Spam factors’ main purpose is to recognize and record the quantity of spammy flags in your prospects and exclude all the problematic domains and pages from the user’s final search results.
When analyzing a certain website, we take into consideration everything from social metrics to domain authority and domain rating data.
If some of the prospects don’t meet some of the desired criteria, our spam factor will recognize this and increase the numerical value of spam factor for that particular prospect, which will help rate the pages in your search results.
Also read: How to change the spam score in Dibz?
Example: The number of Google ads on the homepage of the domain. If a certain user sets the condition at 3, every site that has more than that will be marked. If there are 3 or more Google ads on a certain domain's home page, the spam factor will become active and increase the overall spam number to 100, thus marking a certain domain as a “bad prospect”.
Each of the factors can be designated a value through a slider next to it (see screenshot below), determining its importance, and be modified in the box on the far right, when possible. Editing SPAM Filter settings is only available to those with admin role.
To set the SPAM importance go to Settings.
Here you can set the SPAM sliders.
Dibz looks at 17 different spam factors:
1. Spammy TLD - This spam factor is activated if the TLD domain can be found in Dibz’s TLD spam list.
2. External Links in Website Navigation - Statistically, big number of completely spammy websites feature one or more external links in their navigation. As this is not the general rule, only slight value is attributed to this factor.
3. High Number of Ad blocks - Analyzes the prospects for the amount of displayed ad slots and attributes value to spam factor calculation if threshold is reached.
4. Absence of Contact Page - Focuses on the pages which have a link that leads to the contact page within the same domain. The definition of the conditions in this case are the words that can be found in the link itself. For example: contact, contactus, contactus, etc.
5. Domain Contains Numbers - Looks at the maximum number of numeric characters in the domain name.
6. Domain Contains Hyphens - Concentrates on the maximum number of dashes and lines in the domain name.
7. Domain Name Length - Looks at the length of a domain name.
8. No Social Media Profiles - This spam factor is fixed and it focuses on social networks. For now, it looks at links that have "twitter.com”, “facebook.com”, “plus.google”, “linkedin.com”, “pinterest.com" in them. The spam factor activates when Dibz in the header or footer of a certain domain does not find a link that leads to the above-mentioned social networks.
9. Number of External Homepage Links - This spam factor activates when the total number of external links (links from other domains) exceeds the number of links defined by this factor.
10. Cloaked Links - Another fixed spam factor that cannot be altered in any way. This factor focuses on hidden data.
11. Referring Pages VS Referring Domains - This factor looks at referring pages and referring domains, to determine if the ratio of this two elements is being meet. The default setting of this spam factor is 5: 1. If the value is less than that, the defined spam factor is going to be activated.
12. Total Number of Indexed Pages - Activates when the total number of indexed pages does not exceed the requirements defined by this factor.
13. Domain Social Shares Number - Activates when the total number of social networks shares does not exceed the number of shares defined by this factor.
14. Domain Indexation - Activates when the linked text contains problematic phrases like “viagra”, “porn”, “casino”, “gambling”, “credit cards”, etc.
15. Spam Anchor Texts on Homepage - Activates when Dibz recognizes spammy anchor text on homepage (viagra, porn, cialis, casino, gambling, credit cards)
16. Ahrefs DR - Activates when Ahrefs Domain Rating does not meet the requirements defined by this factor.
17. Sponsored Content - Another factor that cannot be altered in any scenario. If a particular prospect inclusion of any sponsor related phrases or links, the spam factor will be activated.
Related: How does Dibz’ SPAM algorithm work?