You can install extension in your Chrome browser.
Download the latest version of the extension from the Chrome web store.
After the extension is downloaded, it will appear in the toolbar. You need to log in with your Base credentials and click on the green “Authorize” button.
Open any website you find interesting for your client in a new tab. Then click on extension.
Firstly, you must choose the client for which you want to add this website as an opportunity or check the availability. Also, you need to select the link type for the post.
After this, you will see the following information under DOMAIN STATUS:
OPP - Is the opportunity on that specific website for the chosen client taken?
BLACKLISTED - Is the website on your blacklist?
HAS CO LINKS - Do you already have a link on this website?
When you click on "Load Domain Info" beneath Domain Info, you will see spam and domain rating metrics.
Lastly, select the link's Category:
After you’ve completed all the previous steps, click “Add to Opps”.
Congrats, you have now added the chosen website in your Opps for the selected client!
The input field is prefilled with the URL of the website that you are viewing at the moment. You can put in any URL/domain and check if that URL is already in your database.
It's also possible to change the status of the link through the extension, by clicking on RE, PE, or CO.
If you were to click on CO right away, you will be able to submit the URL straight away:
Lastly, if you added Custom Fields to your account, they will appear in the extension as well. If you added or made changes to your custom fields, all you need to do is log out and log in once again in the extension, and they will appear in the extension bar as separate fields.