Since we’ve already covered how to search links, in this article, we will cover all of the action buttons and columns you see inside your search page.
In order to find out more about the Filters button, see this article for more details.
The Eye Button allows you to modify and choose which columns you want to be shown. By default, all columns are preselected but you can select whatever you want to.
The Configuration button allows you to search your links by these different types: URL, Title, or Tags. If you have set up your Custom Fields and one of them is the Short text type of field, it will also appear on this menu (under the custom, unique name you have set up in your settings).
Navigation & display buttons allow you to play around with the number of results you want to be shown as well as the pagination.
By clicking on the checkbox you can select a link and afterward the following actions will be prompted:
Download CSV
Health Recheck
Add to OPPS (this feature is only available if you are using it in combination with links that are unclaimed for a client)
Report selected - add the selected link to the report for a client
Delete selected
And on the left part of the menu, you can select all links (Select others) for that search
Next is the # sign, which shows the serial number of the link.
ID is a unique number for a link in your database.
Report/Unreport button - by clicking on the Report button admin confirms the live link and it automatically sends it to the report*. After this, it isn’t possible anymore to edit or delete the link by a user.
*Note: this works only if you have integration with Reportz - our marketing reporting tool.
By clicking on the Edit button (pencil icon), this page will open, where you can change everything regarding your link.
When you click on the three dots beside the Edit button, four buttons will be shown.
Delete (deletes a link from the Base)
Flag (use this button to mark a link that hasn’t passed a health check but should have passed it so the admin can edit it manually, or in any other way you want to address a certain link)
Pause (use this button if you are not satisfied with the link and you don’t want your link to appear in the client report)
Comment (you can get a list of all comments related to the domain on which the link is on and leave a comment)
Health status, used for seeing the status of the link. There are four statuses available.
Link is not confirmed yet (Blue)
Live with Target and Dofollow (Green)
Live with Target and Nofollow/Noindex (Yellow)
Dead or without Target (Red)
Link is where the URL of the website on which your link is on is displayed.
You can also extend link info to see it’s URL, Link date, Type, Category, Tags, Status, Location, Client, Agency, User who created the link, Contact (for domain/URL), Note as well as the Targets (URL + anchor text).
Next, there are:
The Client column shows you for which domain you’ve created a certain link.
The Quality of the link is rated by admins and team leaders and is used for measuring the quality of the link. Links are rated on a scale of 1-5.
The Date column shows you the date on which the link has been created.
ST column shows you the status of the link.
Link statuses are:
Opportunity (OPPS or OP) - you just found an interesting, relevant website for your client and you want to claim it, so your other colleagues won’t consider it for the same client
Requested (RE) - you contacted the owner of the website and are waiting for his response)
Pending (PE) - you arranged everything and are just waiting for the link to be published
Confirmed (CO) - the link is live, and you’ve successfully created another link for yourself or your client, congratulations!
DR shows you the domain rating of the domain on which the link has been built. This data is pulled directly from Ahrefs.
The Spam column shows you the SPAM value of the domain on which you’ve created a link.
For more about SPAM values read here.
Targets column is used for showing the target anchor for the domain, as well as the client’s URL towards which the link has been built.
The User column shows the e-mail address of the user who built your link.
Now that you know how to search and edit links in your database, learn how to add links and how to use our Chrome extension for adding opportunities.